A girl's gotta have her coffee! Hello to all! My name is Michaela, or Mickey, or Mic, or Mouse, or Mikka (take your pick, and if you don't like those I've got lots more where that came from.) I'm currently a transfer student in my first year at University of Tampa, and I'm thrilled for all the new opportunities I'll encounter while here. A sample of Michaela's digital art. I'm generally a very happy person but, just as anyone else, I have my off days too. Mainly though, you'll be able to find me smiling! I may start out a bit reserved and quiet, but give me a few minutes and you'll realize I'm a pretty colorful person. I'm an Advertising and Public Relations (creative) major and Studio Art minor. As a student who loves the arts, please don't be surprised if you find my clothes covered in paint one day! Throughout this course, I'm very excited to learn about different ways that art and technology work together ...
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